Ocean Set

Cleansing, Preparing, and Exchanging the Oceans Data.

Data Exchange

Ocean data is everywhere. Exchanging and Integrating data across the oceans sector is what we do. Having a single view into the data sets from the different organizations makes for better decision making for everyone working in and around the oceans.


Aquaculture is among the fastest growing food sectors in the world, accounting for more than 50% of the world’s total seafood production. Aquaculture includes farming of fish, shellfish and aquatic plants. The sector has a history of innovation, sustainability and responsibility. The workforce is located in both rural and coastal communities.

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Capture fisheries provide the world’s growing population with a crucial source of food.1 Fish accounts for 17% of all animal protein and 7% of all protein consumed in the world. With capture fisheries production relatively static since the late 1980s, large opportunities exist to optimize and sustain fishery resources, reduce waste and environmental impact, and improve fishing practices.

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Nearly 90% of global trade is done through international shipping. The shipping industry is targeting zero emissions and support of the green economy in a sustainable manner. The industry is seeking new technology and innovation to enable increased energy efficiency, enhanced marine security, optimized maritime traffic management and development of maritime infrastructure to improve sustainability and increase profitability.

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Offshore resources such as oil, gas and renewable sources can help meet energy demands. More than a quarter of today’s oil and gas supply is produced offshore. Ocean energy, also known as marine energy, encompasses engineering technologies, such as tidal and wave power, that harness the movements of the ocean to create electricity.

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Marine bioresource companies create new value from resources within the marine environment and support additional value creation for operators in fisheries and aquaculture. Businesses and consumers are quickly realizing that there are many valuable products that can be derived or manufactured from marine resources, such as high-quality additives for food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, coatings, and even pet treats.

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Canada and allied nation’s blue water navies consist of submarines, surface combatants, support and patrol ships, and autonomous assets. Surveillance, security, and situational awareness of the seas are becoming increasingly important and complex. The need for required awareness and operational capabilities are being stretched into remote areas, polar regions and the deep sea.

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We focus on getting the data you want to where you want it. We source it, we cleanse it, we prepare it to ease your use. We provide the data engineering to give your analysts and data scientists what they need, when and where they need it.

Data Discovery

We engage with your business, your subject matter experts, and your information technology team. We deep dive into the technologies and the storage of your data. We make sense of the structure of all the data in your network, databases, and file systems. We consider the data you collected years ago and the data created a minute ago. We identify high value data to increase your business intelligence and to engage with your business partners for data exchange. We find the data value you didn't know you had.

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Data Engineering

We build data pipelines, and we have been doing it for over 30 years. Getting your data to where it needs to be requires effort and intimate knowledge of the distributed systems that store the data. Some of the data could be historical and years old, some data could be created a minute ago. All the data needs to be integrated within context and with the same granularity. Data Engineering gets all this done so your analysts, data scientists, and partners can create insight and intelligence about the current state of your organization and what the future could hold.

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Data Brokerage

Where do you go when you don't have the data set you need? The quality of decision making improves with the broadness of the sources for your data sets. The data sets your organization collects and creates can have value to others. Your partners and other organizations within your business ecosystem could also improve their business making with your data sets. We have built a data brokerage to curate and exchange these data sets of value.

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With over 16 years of blogging and content creation experience we have a strong belief in contributing to the knowledge of the technology industry. The focus of our blogs has alwas been with technology, startups, and building human capacity. Feel free to make comment to any of our blogs. Don't hesitate to request a topic for creation.

Critical Technology

16 years of blogging about technology, startups, and building human capacity.

Ocean Set CTO

Describing the Ocean Set technology stack and the emerging technologies that influence its design.

About Us

Ocean Set is an early stage startup focused on organizing the oceans data. We are building services and product to support our mission for ocean data to be the best managed and organized on the planet. We want the oceans data management to be exemplary around the globe. We aspire to be a positive force in the planets ocean data so it becomes the best managed, organized, and most accessible data on the planet. We believe information about the state of our oceans should be available to everyone.

The vision for Ocean Set was born, four years ago, from the idea that the digitalization of oceans data required a technical reference architecture. This would allow the oceans information exchange to be eased and well understood by everyone working in the oceans economy. The research into the reference architecture for the digitalization of oceans continued to where actual ocean data and it's movement needed to be better understood and modeled. We needed to support those actually using oceans data to confirm the design of the technical reference architecture.

Currently Ocean Set has four employees working diligently on our mission. Our primary tasks are twofold; first, to build a working proof of concept that provides basic ocean data managment through cataloging and notification services for existing data sets. And secondly, to put in place a company that will support the leadership and human resources required to execute upon our mission.

Contact Us

If you are wondering what we are up to or have questions about our services feel free to send us a message.

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